Friday, November 4, 2011

What Are You Most Proud Of?

I posted the following as a LinkedIn status update this morning:

One common interview question is, "What are you most proud of?" I would have to say that I am most proud of my educational accomplishments. I earned a Master of Arts degree in six years. Receiving this advanced degree was the culmination of intense study and voracious reading and writing. I look forward to applying these skills to the utmost in my future career.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fun With Interview Questions #1

Q: Describe a situation in which you had several things to do in a limited amount of time.

A: As a teacher, I frequently had to meet several deadlines at once. A typical week might require me to turn in lesson plans, update grades, update goals for special education students, and contact several parents. By arriving early to work, staying late, and using a day planner to keep organized, I was able to keep up with all deadlines.

Q: Who was your favorite manager and why?

A: My favorite manager was Sarah Kelly at North American Home Health Supply. She was flexible and sensitive to the needs of her employees while maintaining high expectations. She created a comfortable atmosphere and was very approachable.

Q: Tell me about your proudest achievement.

A: My proudest achievement was earning my Master's degree. It felt good that all of my intensive study and effort had paid off.

Q: How would you feel about working for someone who knows less than you?

A: I don't think I could ever truly presume that. I may have more knowledge in one area, while their expertise might lie elsewhere. Plus, I believe in multiple intelligences. We all have strengths that complement each other.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Reason for the New Season

I'm a former teacher who recently had an epiphany: I really would rather be writing. Specifically, copywriting. I've always respected how a clever ad can convey a message with just a few well-chosen words accompanied with just the right image.

Since this a transitional period in my life, I'm interested in using social media to explore my options and to maintain enthusiasm about this process.

More to follow...